Oddly enough I somehow forgot about the tights at the end of the next day. And then it rained overnight. Then, I remembered them. Hopefully the trees provided sufficient cover so they didn't get too wet.
In the morning, after breakfast was over and everybody headed out for the day's activities, I didn't have anything immediately pressing. So, I darted back towards the cabins, veering slightly off the path to check the tree where the tights were stashed. Sure enough, there they were, still tied to the tree. But they weren't alone. A couple of bugs were resting on them! I quickly brushed them off and then loosened the knot. Oh damned... they were wet. I stretched them out and the flapped them in the breeze, which helped get rid of a bit more moisture. Touching them felt good, though... and I couldn't help myself.
The tree was maybe 10 feet from the path. It was a big enough tree to hide behind if positioned directly opposite someone else. But outside of that, it was possible to be seen. Someone coming down the path would see the tree if the looked at it. I would have to move along while the person walked by, to ensure I remain hidden. If I got unlucky and there was two groups of people, then I'd be unable to adequately hide. Despite that risk... I couldn't resist. Off went my shorts, underwear, socks, and shoes. I stood on top of my shoes to keep my feet clean, and quickly slipped on the tights. There was a nice brief shiver effect, with the remaining moisture evaporating as I slid the tights over my legs. It sure felt great!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
The tights in the woods
Sometimes we have evening activities that go late, and other times activities that end early. When they end sooner, we end up going back to the cabins for just general relaxation. Kids read books, play games, listen to music, and what have you. You're not supposed to go anywhere outside the cabin area, but it's OK to visit other cabins.
When we had finished snack time, everyone headed back to the cabins. The sun had set and the sky was starting to get darker. I was invited to play a card game with a bunch of other boys. I won the first round and the kid who finished last was replaced by another who was waiting to play. And so, the next round I intentionally played lousy so I'd finish last and be replaced. After that, I headed to the bathroom. With my privacy at hand, I adjusted the tights that had become loose around me and about to fall out. I then headed outside to just have a little walk around. Nobody was out in the front area, where a pair of tall trees stood. Although the cabin flood lights pointed toward them, the trees were wide enough to cast a nice dark shadow; one could easily hide behind it. And that's where I went. I spent about five minutes waiting to see if anybody would be coming my way. The coast was clear. I took off my shorts and my underwear, then laid them on the ground to sit on. I took out the tights and in about a minute I had them on. They fit! They were pretty good quality (and naturally, the "DANSKIN" label was present). No holes or damage anywhere. The waist was a little high, but overall the fit was excellent. Wow! It had been so long since I'd worn tights, let alone ones that fit well.
When we had finished snack time, everyone headed back to the cabins. The sun had set and the sky was starting to get darker. I was invited to play a card game with a bunch of other boys. I won the first round and the kid who finished last was replaced by another who was waiting to play. And so, the next round I intentionally played lousy so I'd finish last and be replaced. After that, I headed to the bathroom. With my privacy at hand, I adjusted the tights that had become loose around me and about to fall out. I then headed outside to just have a little walk around. Nobody was out in the front area, where a pair of tall trees stood. Although the cabin flood lights pointed toward them, the trees were wide enough to cast a nice dark shadow; one could easily hide behind it. And that's where I went. I spent about five minutes waiting to see if anybody would be coming my way. The coast was clear. I took off my shorts and my underwear, then laid them on the ground to sit on. I took out the tights and in about a minute I had them on. They fit! They were pretty good quality (and naturally, the "DANSKIN" label was present). No holes or damage anywhere. The waist was a little high, but overall the fit was excellent. Wow! It had been so long since I'd worn tights, let alone ones that fit well.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Side benefits of the stage
Every summer I go with my sister to a summer sleep away camp. They have a lot of different activities to do, including theater acting. I like to play sports and go swimming a lot. I also really like photography, making use of the lab to develop and print film.
Last summer was a bit different than usual. I was asked to be in a play. I'd never been in one before, so I didn't know what to expect. But it worked out pretty well. I had fun, got noticed in a positive way, and managed to get a few girls interested in me. Each summer there are about seven productions, one per week with two in the final week. I ended up in three productions.
This summer the theater director made a point of getting me involved early. I guess I was good enough last year and a few roles this summer were very well suited to me. The cool thing was that some productions had certain wardrobe needs. You guessed it. Tights. I wasn't fortunate enough to have a role that required wearing them, yet, but there was one role where a pair of thick brown tights was needed. A boy just a few years younger than me got the role. His name is Evan. I was kind of envious of him, yet, I was in a production with a role that was much better. When Evan wore his costume for the play, I noticed that the tights were a bit too long for him. Evan was shorter than me, yet a bit fuller. So, I figured that those tights he was wearing should fit me. If I could manage to get a hold of them. ;-)
Last summer was a bit different than usual. I was asked to be in a play. I'd never been in one before, so I didn't know what to expect. But it worked out pretty well. I had fun, got noticed in a positive way, and managed to get a few girls interested in me. Each summer there are about seven productions, one per week with two in the final week. I ended up in three productions.
This summer the theater director made a point of getting me involved early. I guess I was good enough last year and a few roles this summer were very well suited to me. The cool thing was that some productions had certain wardrobe needs. You guessed it. Tights. I wasn't fortunate enough to have a role that required wearing them, yet, but there was one role where a pair of thick brown tights was needed. A boy just a few years younger than me got the role. His name is Evan. I was kind of envious of him, yet, I was in a production with a role that was much better. When Evan wore his costume for the play, I noticed that the tights were a bit too long for him. Evan was shorter than me, yet a bit fuller. So, I figured that those tights he was wearing should fit me. If I could manage to get a hold of them. ;-)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Purple haze of frustration
[I'd had maybe a dozen more experiences with wearing the purple tights with a "happy ending." Despite gaining a little more height and weight, they still fit... although not as well as I would have wanted. I didn't have much choice, though.]
We've moved.
I didn't want to, as I loved my room and the house. The new house we have moved to has left me with a slightly smaller room. My sister got the bigger room. Apparently it was "her turn" for the more desirable room, despite the fact that I'm the oldest and more responsible one. There was also the argument that her wardrobe is bigger than mine. Anyway... after a while, I dropped my side of the argument and sought to look at the benefits of my room. First and foremost, it is further away from my parent's bedroom, which is a big benefit for more privacy. Second, I have a better view of the back yard and the nicer house next door. Also, with the location of the staircase, I have a much better route of escape from my sister's room; right to the bathroom, without being seen. From my room, it is easy to see the doorway from the staircase, and so that makes it very hard to make a visit and escape without being caught.
* * * * * * * *
We've moved.
I didn't want to, as I loved my room and the house. The new house we have moved to has left me with a slightly smaller room. My sister got the bigger room. Apparently it was "her turn" for the more desirable room, despite the fact that I'm the oldest and more responsible one. There was also the argument that her wardrobe is bigger than mine. Anyway... after a while, I dropped my side of the argument and sought to look at the benefits of my room. First and foremost, it is further away from my parent's bedroom, which is a big benefit for more privacy. Second, I have a better view of the back yard and the nicer house next door. Also, with the location of the staircase, I have a much better route of escape from my sister's room; right to the bathroom, without being seen. From my room, it is easy to see the doorway from the staircase, and so that makes it very hard to make a visit and escape without being caught.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Onto adolescence
Without the blue tights to wear, I had little choice but to wear the purple tights. And each time I did, there was a risk of damaging them, stretching them out enough to be noticed, or getting caught. I couldn't ever remember my sister wearing them. I really don't know why... maybe they had been meant for a certain outfit that fell out of favor. They didn't go with anything else she typically wore. But I was thankful of that because without them, I don't know what other tights I could have gotten. And now, my time with them was growing short.
* * * * * * * *
[Another couple of years went by. I was now twelve years old. I had tried wearing the tights less often. It would be once every couple of weeks, maybe even longer. I did get busy with other things. There was also my rising interest in girls. I really did like them and had a crush on a couple in my school. But... I was not a confident boy. I was timid. I was also dealing with bullies. Oh yeah, the bullies. How could I completely forget to write about them earlier? But then, this is a tights diary. Perhaps it might be worth mentioning that it wasn't just the wearing of tights that weakened my self esteem, but also the atrocious horrible nature of boys who like to bully. I was a sensitive boy and it was very hard for me to hide my feelings. The perfect target. Funny enough... good looking kid, reasonably strong physique, and academically smart. I should have been a popular kid, top player on a school team, desired by girls. Well, I was desired, as I'd later find out... oh how many times I missed realizing that those compliments were given in a friendly off-hand way because girls hate being obvious. But, they weren't obvious enough for me. I didn't have the awareness, the understanding of the subtle cues that signaled "she likes you." And so... when I was not responsive enough for a few girls, they started thinking I might be gay. Well, I wasn't very close with any girl in particular, only engaging in just friendly chit-chat with the ones I knew; no broadcast of signals like "I'm attracted to you." Yet, I was... I was just unsure about how to show it. So, in time, there would be a couple of more hardened girls that would decide to make me a target as well. You're not interested in me? Then you're a faggot.
All of this social pressure began to take its toll on me. I attributed it partly to the tights. That wearing them weakened me, feminized me, made me less appealing. So, I attempted to practice abstinence.]
Sunday, January 22, 2012
From ecstacy to misery
[I had a wonderful night with the blue tights in my bed, but couldn't get over the shameful feelings I felt about it. I would be the next evening, Friday night, when my parents would go out for a late evening and my sister was over at a friend's house again. I'd had a play date with a friend that night but his parents had to reschedule it for Saturday. So, I was all on my own again. Naturally, tights would resurface to occupy my mind. It was, after all, a fantastic opportunity to indulge in them once more.]
As soon as my parents were out of the house, I raced upstairs to my room and got out the blue tights. Excitedly, I stripped off my pants, underwear, and socks, then slid on the tights with deft precision and care. If you didn't know any better, you'd say I was a ballet dancer with how fast I could get on a pair of tights.
* * * * * * *
As soon as my parents were out of the house, I raced upstairs to my room and got out the blue tights. Excitedly, I stripped off my pants, underwear, and socks, then slid on the tights with deft precision and care. If you didn't know any better, you'd say I was a ballet dancer with how fast I could get on a pair of tights.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Ecstacy in blue
Now that I had a long forgotten pair of tights for my own, I didn't have to worry about sneaking into my sister's drawers or worry about her tights being missed. What a relief! Since my mom had them deep in a box tucked away in the attic, she wasn't planning on wearing them again any time soon. They were mine, all mine! :-D
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mom's secret cache
I kept wearing the purple tights when I could get some time alone and not get caught. But I knew that the more I wore them, the more they would get stretched out and my sister might notice it. Also, there would also be more chances that they might get damaged.
My sister didn't have any other tights that were big enough for me. It was time to try finding where my mother put her tights. I knew she had worn some before, but I couldn't remember them very well. There might have been some in black, white, yellow, and blue... I think. But where were they, if not in her dresser drawers?
Mom was doing laundry and my sister was downstairs, so I made my way up into the attic. There were a few old dressers in there, plus some boxes, and an odd looking cabinet with a big door and a small drawer below it. I rummaged through the boxes first and found piles of shirts, pants, some socks, baby clothes, and not much else. Next was the dressers. Same kinds of clothes. Ah! The navy blue tights my mother had taken from me years ago! Alas, they were way too small now. :-(
My sister didn't have any other tights that were big enough for me. It was time to try finding where my mother put her tights. I knew she had worn some before, but I couldn't remember them very well. There might have been some in black, white, yellow, and blue... I think. But where were they, if not in her dresser drawers?
Mom was doing laundry and my sister was downstairs, so I made my way up into the attic. There were a few old dressers in there, plus some boxes, and an odd looking cabinet with a big door and a small drawer below it. I rummaged through the boxes first and found piles of shirts, pants, some socks, baby clothes, and not much else. Next was the dressers. Same kinds of clothes. Ah! The navy blue tights my mother had taken from me years ago! Alas, they were way too small now. :-(
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tempting fate
It was a Friday night and I didn't have anywhere to go. I didn't make any plans to be with friends and just expected to be home. My mom went out and left us to our own resources--no baby sitter. My sister Nina had a couple of her friends over. One named Betty and the other one Theresa. I didn't find any of them attractive, but Theresa came over wearing these stunning red tights. She took off her black low heeled shoes and walked around the house with her tights covered feet. At one point my sister asked her if she brought a nightie with her, but Theresa said she didn't. "What will you sleep in? Do you want to borrow a nightie of mine?" "Um, no that's OK. I'll just sleep in my tights." "Your tights? Huh... are you sure you don't want to borrow a nightie?" "Nah, that's OK. I like wearing tights."
Of course that last bit perked my ears up and raised my opinion of Theresa considerably. :-)
Of course that last bit perked my ears up and raised my opinion of Theresa considerably. :-)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The nylon trigger
[After my first experience with the purple tights, having my first orgasm, I stopped wearing tights for nearly half a year, maybe longer. And then, something triggered it...]
Each year in school, I see most of the same kids. But there is almost always a new kid or two. This month we started 5th grade, and a girl named Melissa joined our class. She is almost my height, with dark blonde hair, and a nice smile. I really have a kind of crush on her. But, she seems more interested in two other boys in our class. I'm jealous of that attention. I've tried talking to her a few times, and she's friendly enough, but she doesn't ask me any questions. She's just not that interested in me. I felt less of myself because of this.
I wouldn't have mentioned Melissa, except that she has one quality about her that makes her even more attractive to me. She wears tights. Lots of tights. Almost every day she has tights on, and with either sandals or open toed shoes. It's only in the winter when she wears shoes that cover her feet completely.
Each year in school, I see most of the same kids. But there is almost always a new kid or two. This month we started 5th grade, and a girl named Melissa joined our class. She is almost my height, with dark blonde hair, and a nice smile. I really have a kind of crush on her. But, she seems more interested in two other boys in our class. I'm jealous of that attention. I've tried talking to her a few times, and she's friendly enough, but she doesn't ask me any questions. She's just not that interested in me. I felt less of myself because of this.
I wouldn't have mentioned Melissa, except that she has one quality about her that makes her even more attractive to me. She wears tights. Lots of tights. Almost every day she has tights on, and with either sandals or open toed shoes. It's only in the winter when she wears shoes that cover her feet completely.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Impassioned by purple
[It would be another passage of time, perhaps a good year or so, where I didn't try to wear any tights. I'd thought about it, but the conditions were too risky. I kept myself busy with other things. Until one day...]
I am almost 10 years old now. I had forgotten to write in my book. I am VERY upset, because my parents are no longer together. My daddy moved out. They told me and Nina that they could not get along and so they cannot stay together. I do not know what to do about this, except that I feel so very bad. Some of my friends have parents who broke up too. I never thought it would happen to me, but it finally did.
It had been a while since I wore tights. I may have worn them a few times here and there, but it would be risky and I wouldn't have them on for long, before putting them back. Now that daddy was not living with us anymore, I feel like I need something. I am taller than my sister, and my legs are thicker, so I just assumed none of her tights would fit me any more. But I had not looked in her drawer for a long while.
* * * * * * * *
I am almost 10 years old now. I had forgotten to write in my book. I am VERY upset, because my parents are no longer together. My daddy moved out. They told me and Nina that they could not get along and so they cannot stay together. I do not know what to do about this, except that I feel so very bad. Some of my friends have parents who broke up too. I never thought it would happen to me, but it finally did.
It had been a while since I wore tights. I may have worn them a few times here and there, but it would be risky and I wouldn't have them on for long, before putting them back. Now that daddy was not living with us anymore, I feel like I need something. I am taller than my sister, and my legs are thicker, so I just assumed none of her tights would fit me any more. But I had not looked in her drawer for a long while.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Exposure to ballet
After school, mommy would take us to the YMHA-YWHA for activities (Hebrew version of YMCA). I was very interested in ceramics. My sister was too, but mommy wanted her to study ballet. She started classes at age 7. She wore a black leotard and pink tights. At first I was curious about the tights, but I didn't like the color. Plus, I was taller than her and I knew they wouldn't fit. I had no interest in the leotard.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
A wet tights dilemma
It was a snow day. It came down very thick and heavy overnight and we had about 3 feet of snow. It was delightful, because we also got a snow day off from school! My friend Ronnie who lived a few blocks away had called me up to come over and go sledding with him. I got my snow pants and socks together and started getting dressed, when I had this idea... how it would be warmer if I had tights on. I had squirreled away a pair of navy blue tights from my sister, which I had not seen her wear in a long time, and decided to put them on. I left my underwear off. I instantly got a thrill putting them on, and even more so when my ski pants were on, with my tights covered feet showing below. I then put my sweat socks on over them got my heavy shirt on, and went downstairs for my coat and snow boots. Mom was in the kitchen and I told her where I was going. Off I went!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Daring to layer it on
After my experience with Mrs. Blausen's tights, I couldn't stop thinking about the idea of wearing them again. And I couldn't wait to try taking them the next time. But I wanted to wear them now... and so, I waited for an opportunity when I was alone and went back to my sister's room. I opened her tights drawer and looked them over. The familiar crowd was still there. Except... the red tights were gone. Maybe they were in the wash? I kept looking, and then realized that she had more tights in another drawer! Why did I not see them before? Maybe Nina or mommy moved them around. I found a pair in dark blue with a whitish pattern through it. They did not have a tag on them and the way the seams were, I knew they weren't DANSKIN tights. But they looked like they might fit. I also grabbed the maroon tights, ones I knew were smallish but could still fit me. And why not take a few more I hadn't tried yet? I figured some might be more stretchy when put on.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
And so it begins, the next level
[It would be a while again before I would attempt to indulge in tights again. This next entry is probably a year later]
After mommy forced me to go to school with the tights on, I didn't want to wear tights any more. I was so ashamed and mad at myself. I did not think I could ever do it again. I still could not help looking at girl's legs in my class. It's funny, but when Nina wears tights I don't want to look. It's only other girls and sometimes seeing older girls and mommies wearing them that calls to me. My friend Tim's mommy, Mrs. Blausen loves to wear opaque tights and pantyhose. She has this great pair of dark purple colored tights that look so terrific.
* * * * * * * *
Wearing tights to school
So it is over. My mother caught me again and is now on the alert. I don't have a chance at wearing the tights again. If I get caught, she'd be so angry with me. I must not do this again. Tights are not for me. I must think of something else.
[At this point, I am devastated at having been caught and resolve never to wear tights again. I was sad, but then I was also determined to do the right thing. Little did I know what was to come.]
It was the winter time when I wrote the last message. It is now fall. The leaves are changing to bright colors and the air is getting cooler. Mommy took us clothes shopping and I got some new things. My coat is navy blue and it looks like I am a navy guy. I asked mommy for some high black boots, but she said I do not need any more shoes. Nina got some clothes too, but I didn't see everything she got. When we were finally home, we went upstairs to put the clothes away. That is when I saw bright red. Nina got some new tights, and one pair was red with twisty lines on the legs that you can feel. New tights. For my sister. This is not good for me.
[At this point, I am devastated at having been caught and resolve never to wear tights again. I was sad, but then I was also determined to do the right thing. Little did I know what was to come.]
* * * * * * *
It was the winter time when I wrote the last message. It is now fall. The leaves are changing to bright colors and the air is getting cooler. Mommy took us clothes shopping and I got some new things. My coat is navy blue and it looks like I am a navy guy. I asked mommy for some high black boots, but she said I do not need any more shoes. Nina got some clothes too, but I didn't see everything she got. When we were finally home, we went upstairs to put the clothes away. That is when I saw bright red. Nina got some new tights, and one pair was red with twisty lines on the legs that you can feel. New tights. For my sister. This is not good for me.
* * * * * * *
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wrath of Mom, part II
It has been some months since I wrote last. I do not know why I am not able to stop thinking about tights. In school, there are so many girls wearing bright colored tights. Some girls look sad to me, because the tights are loose and sagging on their legs. But some girls look delightful where the fit is snug and their legs look so nice. My favorite color is red, by far. There was a girl named Tracey who had on very dark maroon tights. She took off her shoes when she was sitting at her desk and wiggled her feet in the air with her toes pointed. I was hypnotized by it and again, the teacher called on me when I wasn't paying attention. I have to get good at not being noticed!
When I got home, the first thing I did was to go to upstairs before my sister did, go to her dresser, and take the maroon tights. I went back to my room and put them on. They fit small, but I stretched them to fit. I so wished they were thicker and longer. But I liked them on me anyway. I don't know why I like them so much, but I don't care so long as I am wearing them.
* * * * * * *
When I got home, the first thing I did was to go to upstairs before my sister did, go to her dresser, and take the maroon tights. I went back to my room and put them on. They fit small, but I stretched them to fit. I so wished they were thicker and longer. But I liked them on me anyway. I don't know why I like them so much, but I don't care so long as I am wearing them.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Got tights?
Jennifer came over again yesterday, but she forgot the tights for me! She wasn't wearing tights either. I was sad about this. I wanted to talk to her about tights some more, but her mother started looking at me when she heard me say "tights", so I didn't say anything more.
I am not happy with Jennifer. But maybe it's her mom, not letting her take tights from the house. Maybe Nina had some she'd forgotten, in a drawer or box somewhere else? I went into her room and asked her about her tights. [I was pretty bold at this point, because my mother had ridiculed me only once before. I didn't consider that my sister might tell her about my "unusual" request. Thankfully, she didn't]. I told her that I'd like to try on some and for her to show me which ones were the newest. She showed me some white ones, but they looked small. "They're my party tights." I guess she wore these with a dress when she went to parties. I was in my underwear, and so I took the tights and tried to put them on. But the feet were too small. I asked her to show me others. "Don't stretch them out, OK?" I rummaged around and found the maroon ones again. I was on another growth spurt and these were fitting smaller on me now, so I wanted another pair. Before I could even think of putting them on, mommy called up to us. She wanted to take us shopping. So we left.
I am not happy with Jennifer. But maybe it's her mom, not letting her take tights from the house. Maybe Nina had some she'd forgotten, in a drawer or box somewhere else? I went into her room and asked her about her tights. [I was pretty bold at this point, because my mother had ridiculed me only once before. I didn't consider that my sister might tell her about my "unusual" request. Thankfully, she didn't]. I told her that I'd like to try on some and for her to show me which ones were the newest. She showed me some white ones, but they looked small. "They're my party tights." I guess she wore these with a dress when she went to parties. I was in my underwear, and so I took the tights and tried to put them on. But the feet were too small. I asked her to show me others. "Don't stretch them out, OK?" I rummaged around and found the maroon ones again. I was on another growth spurt and these were fitting smaller on me now, so I wanted another pair. Before I could even think of putting them on, mommy called up to us. She wanted to take us shopping. So we left.
A Tights Request
I am so happy that Jennifer and her sister Julia came over for a visit. Julia plays with Nina (my sister) and Jennifer plays with me. Sometimes we all play together, but mostly Jennifer and I do our own thing. It's weird. She's a girl and she's my friend. All of my other friends are boys. She is almost like a sister to me, but I like her much more than Nina. Nina can be so annoying sometimes. She's not very smart either but she sure knows how to bug me.
Jennifer and I were in the playroom and doing some games together when I heard noises outside. A couple of my friends were there! They had bugged me earlier to play but I told them I couldn't, there was company coming over. So they crept up all the steps to our house and went in the back to scout me out, those buggers! I want to be alone with Jennifer, so I wish they wouldn't bother me! So, we left the room and went into the den where the TV is.
Jennifer had on a pair of red colored tights, and to me they looked so great. I asked her some questions about the tights. I can't remember everything I asked. I will try to remember [I really can't remember much, so I'll have to improvise and fill in gaps].
"Do you like wearing your tights?" "Yeah, I guess so." "Do they feel nice?" "Yeah." "I like how they look on you. Do you think I could try them on?" "I don't know. I don't have anything else to wear." "Oh yeah. Do you have a lot of tights at home?" "I have a bunch, I think." "What colors?" "I don't know, some orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and these red ones." "Do you think you could bring me a pair when you come next time?" "OK, I guess so." "Any color is OK, just pick the longest ones." "Alright." "Can you try to remember?" "Yeah, I'll try. Let's go play some games." "OK!"
[Pretty funny, how this six year old thought to ask his play friend to bring him some tights, because his mom wouldn't buy him any!]
I was a little unsure about Jennifer being able to remember. The last time I asked her she forgot. Anyway, after the day was over and she was going home, I whispered in her ear "And don't forget the tights, OK?" Maybe she will remember next time.
Jennifer and I were in the playroom and doing some games together when I heard noises outside. A couple of my friends were there! They had bugged me earlier to play but I told them I couldn't, there was company coming over. So they crept up all the steps to our house and went in the back to scout me out, those buggers! I want to be alone with Jennifer, so I wish they wouldn't bother me! So, we left the room and went into the den where the TV is.
Jennifer had on a pair of red colored tights, and to me they looked so great. I asked her some questions about the tights. I can't remember everything I asked. I will try to remember [I really can't remember much, so I'll have to improvise and fill in gaps].
"Do you like wearing your tights?" "Yeah, I guess so." "Do they feel nice?" "Yeah." "I like how they look on you. Do you think I could try them on?" "I don't know. I don't have anything else to wear." "Oh yeah. Do you have a lot of tights at home?" "I have a bunch, I think." "What colors?" "I don't know, some orange, blue, purple, green, yellow, and these red ones." "Do you think you could bring me a pair when you come next time?" "OK, I guess so." "Any color is OK, just pick the longest ones." "Alright." "Can you try to remember?" "Yeah, I'll try. Let's go play some games." "OK!"
[Pretty funny, how this six year old thought to ask his play friend to bring him some tights, because his mom wouldn't buy him any!]
I was a little unsure about Jennifer being able to remember. The last time I asked her she forgot. Anyway, after the day was over and she was going home, I whispered in her ear "And don't forget the tights, OK?" Maybe she will remember next time.
The next best thing
I looked everywhere I could think of, but they were not to be found. Not in the box in the basement. Not in the storage bins of old clothes. The navy blue tights were gone. I wonder if mommy threw them out. But why would she do that? They were perfectly good. I didn't want to ask her, because she'd probably get mad at me for wanting them.
I'm sorry. It is almost two months later now. I forgot to keep writing. Maybe you can think of this as all one day. I could not find the navy blue tights. My sister Nina wears tights, but she is younger than me and her tights are going to be too small. I thought maybe I could stretch on a pair, but then they would be stretched out and she would notice. Nina is at a friend's house today. Mommy is downstairs. Daddy is out playing golf. I know what to do. I will go in her room, and keep listening. If mommy starts coming upstairs I can sneak out of her room before she notices. I will go to the bathroom and if she does not leave I will put the tights in the hamper. That is, if I find any that I can take.
* * * * * * * *
I'm sorry. It is almost two months later now. I forgot to keep writing. Maybe you can think of this as all one day. I could not find the navy blue tights. My sister Nina wears tights, but she is younger than me and her tights are going to be too small. I thought maybe I could stretch on a pair, but then they would be stretched out and she would notice. Nina is at a friend's house today. Mommy is downstairs. Daddy is out playing golf. I know what to do. I will go in her room, and keep listening. If mommy starts coming upstairs I can sneak out of her room before she notices. I will go to the bathroom and if she does not leave I will put the tights in the hamper. That is, if I find any that I can take.
Monday, January 9, 2012
My treasure is taken from me
I was going to go over to my friend's house across the street to play. But before I went, somehow I got the idea that it would be fun to wear tights under my pants. I got out the navy blue ones and put them on, then put my pants on over them. I can't remember now, but I think my pants were like dark slacks, not jeans. The tights were smooth with the pants and walking felt good. I went over and we played some games. My friend's parents had just cleared out a room and replaced the floor with a very smooth stuff [probably vinyl tiles]. It was slippery! My friend took off his shoes and left on his socks, then ran and stopped quickly, so he would slide. It was neat! Kinda like being on ice. Before I took my shoes off, it suddenly came to me that I was wearing tights! Uh oh. Well, maybe they wouldn't be noticed. They are navy blue and so they can look like socks. I took off my shoes and saw my tights covered feet. I felt guilty and also kind of happy about it. So I ran a bit, stopped short, and let my feet slide. The tights were smoother than my usual socks, so I slid pretty far. This was fun! We must have done this for about an hour until we were exhausted. I quickly checked the bottom of my feet and was happy to see no holes [these tights have a reinforced heel and toe, so they are opaque at the stress points and easily pass as socks]. This was the first time I let anyone (except for mom) see that I was wearing tights, but they didn't know about it.
Later when I went home, I took off the tights and put them back in my drawer. I briefly wondered about what to do if the tights get dirty or smelly, because I don't know how to wash clothes.
Later when I went home, I took off the tights and put them back in my drawer. I briefly wondered about what to do if the tights get dirty or smelly, because I don't know how to wash clothes.
* * * * * *
Sunday, January 8, 2012
I am five years old
Before I begin, I need to set the stage of where I am and what the situation is. My mother used to dress me in tights when I was an infant, up until I was about 3 years old. From what I learned later, this wasn't unusual as tights are a very convenient garment to keep a child's legs warm. But my memory would serve to remind me that I had wore them and that they felt very comfortable. So later on when I turned five and started attending kindergarten, I started noticing girls in my class with them on. It was the late 1960's, so little girls were commonly dressed up in bright colorful tights.
Hi. My name is Nyle and I'm five years old. I found this book with blank pages in it. I am a good student in school and I am learning how to write. I do not know why but it comes easy to me. I learned that people have these books and call them diaries. "Dear Diary" is how they always start a new page. I'm not going to do that cause I think it's silly. You are not writing to the book but you are just writing. I don't know. OK, I am wasting space. I should start writing something that has a meaning.
Today something kind of strange happened. I think I will tell this story to start my diary.
My play friend named Jennifer came over to my house today. She lives upstairs from our old apartment and is one year older than me. We just moved in here last month. It's a big place! Much bigger than the apartment we had before. I love having my own room!! Anyway, Jennifer and I decided to play dress up. We went to the basement and found a box of old clothes that I used to wear. It was funny! I found this baby thingie that is like a sleep sack with arms and legs and a hood. Jennifer found some funny looking shorts and a coat. Well, we started putting on anything that we could get to fit. After a bit I found this navy blue stretchy thing with legs. Jennifer said they are tights. Yes I know that, Jenny! I remembered wearing these now. My mommy used to dress me in them, some in bright colors too. In the den, my mommy put up on the wall a photo that daddy took of me, with a blue shirt on and red tights on my legs. I was looking up at him with a big smile.
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to put the tights on. They were kinda small, but I got them to fit. Jennifer laughed at me. "Oh those look so cute on you," she said. And then we put on other things and finally ran out of stuff to put on. We then decided to do a parade. We walked around the house like this, and we were so silly, laughing all the time. It was fun. I really like Jennifer. I can't remember when we became friends. Mommy says it was before I could talk in full sentences.
Later in the day, Jennifer had to leave with her mommy and sister. Mommy was going to get dinner ready and asked me to put the clothes back in the basement. So I went back there and took off everything, putting them in the box like she asked. But then there's these old tights. They were fun to wear again. Why should I put them back? I think I'll take them back to my room, so I can wear them again any time I want. I went to my sock drawer and put the folded tights next to my dark blue socks, then closed the drawer.
I am looking around my room. It is a good size. My single bed fits in it with some room on each side. I even have my own little desk with a small window, and then a big two piece window that lets you see the street far below (the house is on a big hill with many trees). I am so happy I am here and that Jennifer can visit me!
OK, I think I have said enough for today and hope I remember to write more tomorrow. Bye.
Hi. My name is Nyle and I'm five years old. I found this book with blank pages in it. I am a good student in school and I am learning how to write. I do not know why but it comes easy to me. I learned that people have these books and call them diaries. "Dear Diary" is how they always start a new page. I'm not going to do that cause I think it's silly. You are not writing to the book but you are just writing. I don't know. OK, I am wasting space. I should start writing something that has a meaning.
Today something kind of strange happened. I think I will tell this story to start my diary.
My play friend named Jennifer came over to my house today. She lives upstairs from our old apartment and is one year older than me. We just moved in here last month. It's a big place! Much bigger than the apartment we had before. I love having my own room!! Anyway, Jennifer and I decided to play dress up. We went to the basement and found a box of old clothes that I used to wear. It was funny! I found this baby thingie that is like a sleep sack with arms and legs and a hood. Jennifer found some funny looking shorts and a coat. Well, we started putting on anything that we could get to fit. After a bit I found this navy blue stretchy thing with legs. Jennifer said they are tights. Yes I know that, Jenny! I remembered wearing these now. My mommy used to dress me in them, some in bright colors too. In the den, my mommy put up on the wall a photo that daddy took of me, with a blue shirt on and red tights on my legs. I was looking up at him with a big smile.
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to put the tights on. They were kinda small, but I got them to fit. Jennifer laughed at me. "Oh those look so cute on you," she said. And then we put on other things and finally ran out of stuff to put on. We then decided to do a parade. We walked around the house like this, and we were so silly, laughing all the time. It was fun. I really like Jennifer. I can't remember when we became friends. Mommy says it was before I could talk in full sentences.
Later in the day, Jennifer had to leave with her mommy and sister. Mommy was going to get dinner ready and asked me to put the clothes back in the basement. So I went back there and took off everything, putting them in the box like she asked. But then there's these old tights. They were fun to wear again. Why should I put them back? I think I'll take them back to my room, so I can wear them again any time I want. I went to my sock drawer and put the folded tights next to my dark blue socks, then closed the drawer.
I am looking around my room. It is a good size. My single bed fits in it with some room on each side. I even have my own little desk with a small window, and then a big two piece window that lets you see the street far below (the house is on a big hill with many trees). I am so happy I am here and that Jennifer can visit me!
OK, I think I have said enough for today and hope I remember to write more tomorrow. Bye.
Why did this happen to me?
I really didn't ask for it. There was this desire, this curiosity that wanted to be satisfied. I had no idea what was coming, what the consequences of my choice would be and how it would affect me for the rest of my life. How could I know? I was only a child. I didn't have any clue of what subconscious cross association would take place. A very big part of me for most of my life wished it had never happened. How different my life might have been, I'd often lament.
So what choice could it be that is so horrible? Well, the gravity of whether it is horrible or benign is strictly up to perspective. For most of my life, I felt it was a kind of curse. The choice, was to seek out and wear... tights.
What? That's it?
It's not quite so benign sounding, when you consider the mind of a sensitive young boy, who is finding himself sexually confused by this interest and afraid for his future. It wasn't a sexual thing at first. Later, that would change. But perhaps the best way to communicate all this is to start from the beginning.
It's a very long story. I could write a short essay in a few pages, but the nuances of the experience would be lost. I want to tell this story from the perspective of me, at the times I experienced it. As a boy, getting older, dealing with this troubled part of my life. The trauma, the joy, the fear, the ecstasy, the humiliation, and the revelation. In doing so, I will be revisiting these memories for myself. I have a terrific memory... I can remember far more than is good for me, because people who were part of my deep past (relatives and friends) often can't remember what I do, which leaves me alone with most of my memories. Some of them are buried, awaiting excavation, so gradually revisiting the times they happened unearths them. I get to experience them all over again, in a kind of duality--remembering how I thought and felt then, but also observing this as an adult. My hope is in doing so, I also help bring some closure to any unresolved feelings lingering behind. And, in kind, I do this in view of the public eye, so that those who share similar experiences can obtain some closure for themselves, gain some understanding about the fetish being an outsider to it, or satisfy a curiosity.
I don't know if I'll post every day, but I'll try to. I may also have to go back and "fill in" some experiences that happened earlier, which I'll indicate with a band of asterisks between content. I will also insert adult commentary, using brackets [like this]. I don't know how long this is going to take. It might be a couple dozen entries. I will try not to be too verbose. There will be some things I remember that aren't really needed to say and would distract from other things more significant. I will likely go back and trim down stuff I've written, if I feel it's too much. In the end, I will make a self-analysis of the whole thing. Maybe I'll have enough worthy of a degree in tights fetish psychology. ;-)
And so, without further delay, I should get this thing started. I hope you find it interesting and... beneficial, if you're someone who also has a tights fetish. Maybe you've also struggled with it. Or perhaps you've been lucky and had supportive people around you that you can trust. I couldn't trust anyone. My mother showed nothing but anger and intolerance. Knowing my stepfather, I feared he would have labeled me a homosexual and sent me into intensive psychotherapy against my will. I had to keep it secret. But all those details will come out eventually. So, I should get started...
So what choice could it be that is so horrible? Well, the gravity of whether it is horrible or benign is strictly up to perspective. For most of my life, I felt it was a kind of curse. The choice, was to seek out and wear... tights.
What? That's it?
It's not quite so benign sounding, when you consider the mind of a sensitive young boy, who is finding himself sexually confused by this interest and afraid for his future. It wasn't a sexual thing at first. Later, that would change. But perhaps the best way to communicate all this is to start from the beginning.
It's a very long story. I could write a short essay in a few pages, but the nuances of the experience would be lost. I want to tell this story from the perspective of me, at the times I experienced it. As a boy, getting older, dealing with this troubled part of my life. The trauma, the joy, the fear, the ecstasy, the humiliation, and the revelation. In doing so, I will be revisiting these memories for myself. I have a terrific memory... I can remember far more than is good for me, because people who were part of my deep past (relatives and friends) often can't remember what I do, which leaves me alone with most of my memories. Some of them are buried, awaiting excavation, so gradually revisiting the times they happened unearths them. I get to experience them all over again, in a kind of duality--remembering how I thought and felt then, but also observing this as an adult. My hope is in doing so, I also help bring some closure to any unresolved feelings lingering behind. And, in kind, I do this in view of the public eye, so that those who share similar experiences can obtain some closure for themselves, gain some understanding about the fetish being an outsider to it, or satisfy a curiosity.
I don't know if I'll post every day, but I'll try to. I may also have to go back and "fill in" some experiences that happened earlier, which I'll indicate with a band of asterisks between content. I will also insert adult commentary, using brackets [like this]. I don't know how long this is going to take. It might be a couple dozen entries. I will try not to be too verbose. There will be some things I remember that aren't really needed to say and would distract from other things more significant. I will likely go back and trim down stuff I've written, if I feel it's too much. In the end, I will make a self-analysis of the whole thing. Maybe I'll have enough worthy of a degree in tights fetish psychology. ;-)
And so, without further delay, I should get this thing started. I hope you find it interesting and... beneficial, if you're someone who also has a tights fetish. Maybe you've also struggled with it. Or perhaps you've been lucky and had supportive people around you that you can trust. I couldn't trust anyone. My mother showed nothing but anger and intolerance. Knowing my stepfather, I feared he would have labeled me a homosexual and sent me into intensive psychotherapy against my will. I had to keep it secret. But all those details will come out eventually. So, I should get started...